How to Integrate DevOps Monitoring Tools into Your Workflow?

How to Integrate DevOps Monitoring Tools into Your Workflow?

DevOps is a movement and philosophy that has existed for more than ten years. Enhancing the work flow between developers and operations is the aim of DevOps. Top monitoring tools for DevOps assure faultless performance. A critical step in the DevOps cycle is the use of monitoring tools. They assist businesses in maintaining a record of their servers, infrastructure, and application usage. The process of automating the workflow is one way that DevOps helps. It combines the terms “development” and “operations.” Before we start with the DevOps tools, you should have an understanding of the latest trends in the field of DevOps. For more information, enroll in Devops Training Institute In Chennai.

DevOps monitoring solutions, organisations can more easily manage their infrastructure and apps in real-time. Businesses employ these technologies to monitor their databases, servers, networks, and other systems. They assist with identifying any issues or problems that can arise during the development phase or after deployment.

Various Kinds of Monitoring Tools in DevOps

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) requires the use of monitoring tools. They aid in the detection and analysis of issues during the software development process. Additionally, they inform the group of any emerging problems so that they can take appropriate action. Let’s examine the various types of monitoring tools that are accessible today. 

DevOps continuous monitoring tools

Monitoring tools can be divided into two major categories: those that keep an eye on systems in use and those that monitor designs before they are put into use. The former category consists of tools like Nagios, Zabbix, Sensu, New Relic, and AppDynamics, whilst the latter category consists of products like Datadog and New Relic Insights.

DevOps server monitoring tools

To detect any mistakes or issues, DevOps log monitoring solutions are used to track logs from servers, applications, and other sources. These aid in identifying server issues including hardware breakdowns or OS crashes that can result in application unavailability. These tools are used by both IT operations teams and DevOps teams. 

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DevOps log monitoring tools

The monitoring of logs from multiple sources, such as servers, apps, databases, etc., is done using DevOps log monitoring solutions. Then, these records are examined for any mistakes or irregularities. By gathering and analysing logs from numerous sources, it is possible to swiftly pinpoint the problem’s fundamental cause and resolve it before it becomes a serious problem. 

Top DevOps Monitoring Tools


Jenkins is an open-source application development, testing, and deployment server. It is a continuous integration tool that has the ability to automate the development, testing, and deployment of software. A graphical user interface is offered by Jenkins for managing jobs and projects. It is a server for application development, testing, and deployment automation. 


With PagerDuty, IT operations and DevOps teams have access to a centralised platform for managing alerting, on-call scheduling, and incident management. With real-time notifications and escalations, PagerDuty’s product is made to assist businesses in managing issues across their IT infrastructure and apps.

Datical Deployment Monitoring Console

For DevOps experts, Datical is a software provider that offers data management solutions. They provide software known as the Datical Deployment Monitoring Console (DMPC), which tracks the installation of updates and new programmes on servers.

Anyone with access capabilities can visit the web-based DMPC tool to keep track of their deployment process. It offers up-to-date details about deployments, including their status, length, success rates, and failure rates. 


Librato is a monitoring tool, it offers the most accurate assessments of how well your infrastructure is performing and how it is doing. System and application monitoring is handled completely by Librato. The Librato system can be observed in real time or with the use of past data.


Nagios is a powerful tool for system monitoring and alerting that can keep an eye on servers, networks, and other IT systems. By giving a status report or an alert when something goes wrong, it keeps tabs on the functionality of the systems being watched. For both personal and business use, Nagios is open-source software that is cost-free. 

Finally, you learn from this blog and now understand everything about the DevOps monitoring tools, including How to Integrate DevOps Monitoring Tools into Your Workflow. 

If you are interested in beginning your career as an Devops Engineer, Training Institute in Chennai provides various strategy-based training which will help step your career to the next level. 

Also, Check: DevOps Interview Questions and Answers